If 371,951 more people donate 50 cents by 06/14/2014 I will shave off all of that naturally blonde hair!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


My website has now been published for about 48 hours.  I am so excited about the response! I had a friend tell me today  "let me know when you get your first donation!"  I was thrilled to inform him that I already had several! The generosity of people has warmed my heart and humbled me.    A Heartfelt THANK YOU- to everyone.  Even those who have just looked!

I initially needed approximately 400,000 people to donate fifty cents!  I am down to about 399,800 now!  (I need to get with a tax accountant and get an accurate figure...) Please spread the word, inform your friends! If you find a penny in the grocery store parking lot- send it my way!

I have included three excerpts of  responses for my survey to the question "Why did you Donate?"  One person said "You are genius and I want this to work for you!",   while another said "It sounded like a great idea!" and finally one person said  "I don't give a hoot about Rachel's hair and whether it's attached to her head or not. Rachel has been a good friend to me for many years."   

I cannot thank you enough for your responses, friendship and support. 

P.S. If you feel inclined: give us a "like" on our Facebook page!

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