If 371,951 more people donate 50 cents by 06/14/2014 I will shave off all of that naturally blonde hair!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Follow Me on Twitter, Facebook or Google +

We now have a Facebook page and Twitter Site! Like my Facebook Page:  Shavemyheadif.  Follow us on Twitter @shavemyheadif, or add me to your circles: Shavemyheadif@gmail.com!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


My website has now been published for about 48 hours.  I am so excited about the response! I had a friend tell me today  "let me know when you get your first donation!"  I was thrilled to inform him that I already had several! The generosity of people has warmed my heart and humbled me.    A Heartfelt THANK YOU- to everyone.  Even those who have just looked!

I initially needed approximately 400,000 people to donate fifty cents!  I am down to about 399,800 now!  (I need to get with a tax accountant and get an accurate figure...) Please spread the word, inform your friends! If you find a penny in the grocery store parking lot- send it my way!

I have included three excerpts of  responses for my survey to the question "Why did you Donate?"  One person said "You are genius and I want this to work for you!",   while another said "It sounded like a great idea!" and finally one person said  "I don't give a hoot about Rachel's hair and whether it's attached to her head or not. Rachel has been a good friend to me for many years."   

I cannot thank you enough for your responses, friendship and support. 

P.S. If you feel inclined: give us a "like" on our Facebook page!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Getting Closer!

The website is getting closer. There are a few minor changes that need to be made, but keep watching for when it is published!   This is SO exciting!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Beginning...

And it starts... This blog is to compliment my website (which is still under construction...) www.shavemyheadif.com.  I have created it to accept donations to go toward paying off my mortgage. If I get enough money, I will shave off all of my hair, simple as that. 

I will be donating service as I raise money, so this blog will record the progress, time given in service and the overall journey of my site.  Stay tuned for updates and for when my website will be posted. 

Feel free to post comments, but please keep them G rated, lets keep this clean and uplifting.

Thank you for looking and stay tuned!